Item details - Griffin
Griffin The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.

Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus: 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength and 10% bonus to ECM Target Jammers' capacitor need per level.
Armor Hitpoints 250 HP
Armor Em Damage Resistance 50 %
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance 10 %
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance 25 %
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance 45 %
Shield Capacity 391 HP
Shield recharge time 625000 s
Shield Em Damage Resistance 0 %
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance 50 %
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance 40 %
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance 20 %
Cargo capacity 160 m3
Mass 1,056,000 kg
Volume 19400 m3
Baseprice 160,000 ISK
High Slots 3
Med Slots 4
Low Slots 1
Rig Slots 3
Calibration 400 points
Drone Bandwidth 5 Mbit/sec
Launcher hardpoints 2 hardpoints
Turret hardpoints 1 hardpoints
powergrid Output 25 MW
CPU Output 225 tf
Maximum Targeting Range 60000 m
Scan Resolution 400 mm
Max Locked Targets 5
RADAR Sensor Strength 0 points
LADAR Sensor Strength 0 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 0 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 17 points
Signature Radius 50 m
Tech Level 1 Level