Item details - Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe Specifically tailored for the needs of the combat community, this all-in-one package delivers baseline performance for the discerning hunter-killer. Paired with a specialist launcher and analysis suite, the advanced electronics of this probe allows the rapid location of starships, structures and drones, while also delivering the baseline exploration capabilities of the Core probe line.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1 kg
Volume 1 m3
Baseprice 15,318 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 500 HP
Max Velocity 5000 m/sec
Inertia Modifier 1000 x
Explosion radius 0 m
Used with (launchergroup) Scan Probe Launcher
Primary Skill required Astrometrics
requiredSkill1Level 1
Max Flight Time 4000000 s
Tech Level 1 Level
structureUniformity 0.75
Warp Speed Multiplier 7.5 x
Base Scan Range 0.5 AU
Base Sensor Strength 22 points
Base Maximum Deviation 0.25 AU
Scan Range Increment Factor 2 x
Calibrated for starships 1
metaGroupID 4