Item details - XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While heavy assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.

Has to be fitted with regular Assault Missiles: Fulmination, Hellfire, Terror, Torrent.
Cargo capacity 0.855 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 10 m3
Baseprice 80,118 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
powergrid usage 120 MW
slots occupied 1
CPU usage 43 tf
Rate of fire 6800 s
Charges Per Cycle 1
Primary Skill required Missile Launcher Operation
requiredSkill1Level 1
Tech Level 1 Level
Used with (chargegroup) Assault Missile
Used with (chargegroup) Defender Missile
Meta Level 3 Level
Required Thermodynamics Level 1 Level
heatDissipationRateModifier 0.01
Overload rate of fire bonus -15 %
Heat Damage 1 HP