Item details - Widowmaker Precision Heavy Missile
Widowmaker Precision Heavy Missile
Widowmaker Precision Heavy Missile Originally designed as a 'finisher' - the killing blow to a crippled ship - the Widowmaker has since gone through various technological upgrades. The latest version has a lighter payload than the original, but much improved guidance systems.

A modified version of Widowmaker Heavy Missile. Is great for taking down smaller ships but the velocity has to be curbed to get a better launch.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1,000 kg
Volume 0.03 m3
Baseprice 574,400 ISK
Detonation proximity 35 m
Used with (launchergroup) Missile Launcher Heavy
Primary Skill required Heavy Missile Specialization
Secondary Skill required Heavy Missiles
Tertiary Skill required Missile Launcher Operation
requiredSkill1Level 1
requiredSkill2Level 5
requiredSkill3Level 5
Tech Level 2 Level
Meta Level 5 Level
aimedLaunch 1
Structure Hitpoints 70 HP
Max Velocity 3750 m/sec
Inertia Modifier 1000 x
EM damage 0 HP
explosive damage 0 HP
Kinetic damage 0 HP
Thermal damage 130 HP
Max Flight Time 5000 s
Maximum Velocity Penalty 0.95 %
structureUniformity 0.75
Explosion Velocity 87 m/sec
Explosion Radius 112 m
aoeFalloff 1500
Damage Reduction Factor 2.7
aoeDamageReductionSensitivity 5.5