Item details - Covert Ops
Covert Ops
Covert Ops Covert operations frigates are designed for recon and espionage operation. Their main strength is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and to avoid unfavorable encounters Much of their free space is sacrificed to house an advanced spatial field control system. This allows it to utilize very advanced forms of cloaking at greatly reduced CPU cost. Can not be trained on Trial Accounts.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 0.01 m3
Baseprice 4,000,000 ISK
Primary attribute Willpower
Secondary attribute Perception
Primary Skill required Spaceship Command
Secondary Skill required Electronics Upgrades
requiredSkill1Level 3
requiredSkill2Level 5
level 0
canNotBeTrainedOnTrial 1
Training time multiplier 4 x